One thousand apologies to my readers. I have been away from blogging for too long again. It seems between summer vacation, a new dog that required much of my attention (she is a beautiful golden retriever that we rescued) and taking a class at the local university to stay current with my job... I have let the blog slip! Oh my, yes! I have many, many excuses. And that is all they are, EXCUSES!
I am not sure why, but excuses seem to make us feel better about failing to do what we set out to do. Perhaps it is best to have a list of excuses in our pockets before we begin a project so that we are ready when we don't live up to our goals. The fact of the matter is, I just let the blog go fallow like a field that just had finished a crop of corn.
Here's the deal... I began this blog with the intention of reaching out to anyone who was returning to the Catholic Church and needed some encouragement, or someone who wanted to reach out to someone who was thinking of returning to the Catholic Church. I am also finding a great joy in my faith while exploring the great wealth of spirituality within this grand Church! In doing that, I sometimes can go off on a tangent and find all new blogs to start.
Now, I return (yes, a returning Returning Catholic). But with the return to this blog, I have discovered so many rich possibilities for anyone wishing to return to their Catholic roots--be you a person who physically left the Church or be you someone who wants to return to the excitement and joy that made your faith alive and exciting!
And so, here is my alteration to this blog--- This is for Returning Catholics in the broadest sense of the word. I am inviting anyone who wants to return to the Catholic Church with its many spiritual growth opportunities. And that is what I want to explore with all of you! So, in the motto of my own Benedictine yearnings: "Let us begin again!"